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Category: Management

If you know me, you know that I say that I live in the gray often. Not everything – a fair amount. I believe in permutations. I stumbled upon an article that held the same value system I did and discusses utilizing a “graydar detector.” I found this to be a SUPER tactical approach and […]

Today I’m going to talk about the power of reputation and the unseen work it’s doing to work to your advantage OR to your detriment. A few weeks ago I posted about a Creative Director role I’m working on. Now since it’s a very senior person, one of the core attributes this person needs to […]

There have been a TON of tips and tricks around WFH- every company and their brother has let you know how to use zoom, how to interview through zoom, how to date through zoom and how to do just about anything digitally while at home. But one thing that has been an increasing issue (and […]